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Saturday 18 October 2014

Stanley--a fushion of Chinese and Western cultures (Part one)

Before reading this post, I have to warn you that it's a really lengthy one(though most are pictures)!

It has been almost 10 years since my last visit to Stanley. What I can remember is the Murray House where I have once taken a photo there. And this time the reason I went there was merely because of Sherry's assignment. I have a good impression on Stanley so I was excited on the day we went there.

When I was doing some researches on this beautiful place, I found it's actually a diversified district. Located in the Southern Hong Kong, it is a combination of Chinese and Western cultures and meanwhile made up of old history and modern architectures. For Chinese culture, we have Tin Hau Temple and some other temples; for Western culture, the Murray House, Blake Pier and St. Stephen's College Heritage Trail etc. But due to the limited time, we only visited some of these places, including the Stanley Plaza, Stanley Market, Blake Pier and Murray House.

Stanley Plaza has broken the Guinness World Record of having the most number of doggies balancing a treat on the nose on Sep 28 2014.

Blake Pier

After walking out from the Stanley Plaza, we came to the Stanley Main Street. Alongside the street, there are a lot of colourful and eye-catching buildings and bars and restaurants.

A classic design of streetlight.

At the end of the Stanley Main Street, there is a well-designed eatery. It is painted in pale blue and there are quite a number of potted flowers outside. I love its style!

Cute doggie walking outside the restaurant.
Turning around the corner to the Stanley Market Road, you will see a florist's. I could smell the scent of flowers when I was taking photos not far away from it. It was so lovely! Flowers were flamboyant and their scent was pleasant.

Going further, there are a lot of shops on the street which sell different kinds of products like leather bags, paintings, postcards, pottery etc.

Yea! It comes to my favourite postcards!

"NO SPITTING" it says!

And after walking for a few hours, we settled down in Paisano's Pizzeria. We ordered a 14" Cheese Pizza ($90) and three cups of smoothies ($10/each). 

Covered by Mozzarella Cheese.
The pizza was so yummy. Although it was only made of plain cheese and tomato sauce, it was so tasty that can beat any other kinds of pizzas. We enjoyed this meal a lot and in great satisfaction we left.

Just a few seconds coming out from the eatery, S and N were spotted and dragged to see a busking. We were quite shocked as we didn't know what the busker was going to do on us when he "invited" us.

N and S watching the performance.

The audience.

The busker.
Omg!It's deodorant!!

In this part, I mostly wrote about the activities we did but not much about the famous spots. So, I'll continue tomorrow and hopefully I will finish it soon! Stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. What an impressive journal that has vividly brought me to share your joyful trip in Stanley. Well written essay to be honest. I'm so proud of you Tiffany! Love, jaimmie
